During the past week, we have arranged digital presentations on the theme “The difficulty of seeing change – The emperor’s new clothes” with good interest from both Swedish and international customers.
When facts change I change my opinion, what do you do Sir? (Keynes)
The idea of the study has been to show the difficulty of seeing change and that old truths not always remain. This applies not least to companies. Despite the fact that there sometimes are clear signals, signs and even facts, we do not want to realize potential change. The companies we have looked at have often been supported by investors and been written about by the media. Sometimes acknowledged as the country’s best company or with the best management.
All happy family are alike but all unhappy families are unhappy in their own way (Anna Karenina)
The above findings are also relevant for companies, as successful companies often share several criteria while companies with problems are often are affected in different ways. The examples we have highlighted are in most cases companies that have been much admired and successful but which for various reasons have had problems. Some have gone bankrupt, some have returned while many have been marginalized.
In summary, a very interesting study that we hope has contributed to new insights. Feel free to contact us to receive the report or link to the presentation.