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Lunch presentation with Volvo generated great interest

By octobre 31, 2024novembre 27th, 2024Actualités, Non classifié(e), Nouvelles de clients

In October, we at Nordic Equities, together with Volvo and Anders Christensson, Director of Investor Relations, organized a well-attended and highly appreciated lunch presentation at the Royal Bachelors Club in Gothenburg. The presentation generated significant interest, and we had an engaging exchange with our clients and attendees through many thought-provoking questions and discussions.

A major focus was placed on the company’s ongoing transition toward electrified trucks and how Volvo plans to address the growing competition from other players in the market. Volvo currently holds a market share of nearly 50 percent in this category of trucks and has a clear focus on further expanding in this area within its future pipeline.

We are pleased to have Volvo in our portfolio. With its strong brand position, the company continues to expand and develop new solutions in ways it has not done before.

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