Ne Strategy, one of the Swedish markets oldest Nordic funds, was recently awarded five stars by Morningstar, meaning the highest rating, for the performance the past three years.
Morningstar’s rating is based on historical development of funds during different time periods and the highest rating, five stars, goes to the ten percent best performing funds in their respective categories. We are pleased to note that our Nordic fund, NE Strategy, received five stars based on its three year return.
The fund rose by as much as 35% in 2021 and placed third among Swedish-registrered Nordic funds*. For the long-term investor, the development has been very good since start, +380% (which can be compared with the development of MSCI Nordic Gross Index at +297%**).
You are warmly welcome to contact us with any questions or request for a meeting!
* Morningstar; Country; “Sverige”, Morningstar category; “Norden”. ** MSCI Nordic Gross Index, local currencies, as of 30/12-2021.
General risk information: There is no guarantee that an investment in the Nordic Equities funds will not result in a loss, even at times when financial markets are otherwise performing favourably. Past performance is no guarantee of future return. The value of the capital invested in the Nordic Equities funds may increase or decrease and investors in the Nordic Equities funds cannot be certain of recovering all their invested capital.