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Nordic Equities Strategy

Nordic Equities Strategy – Nordic fund with a portfolio of 20-40 companies

How to become fund client
Purchase NE Strategy

The fund is primarily invested in large and medium-sized companies and is not tied to a certain geographical or sectoral distribution. We believe that the Nordic region is an interesting long-term investment area, with a wide variety of industries and companies and with a large proportion of export companies that provide access to growth in other parts of the world.

  • Stable and successful stock markets
  • Access to interesting companies in industries with promising future prospects
  • Focused portfolio with a long-term perspective
  • 20 years of history – among the older Nordic funds on the market

Start date: 2000-12-29
Annual fee: 1.50% (purchase and redemption fee is 0%).
Trading: Daily

General risk information:
There is no guarantee that an investment in the Nordic Equities’ funds will not result in a loss, even at times when financial markets are otherwise performing favorably. Past performance is no guarantee of future return. The value of the capital invested in the Nordic Equities’ funds may increase or decrease and investors in the Nordic Equities’ funds cannot be certain of recovering all their invested capital. The fund's full and half-year statements are available free of charge on request, please contact us at or at +46 8 545 045 00.