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Nordic Equities Strategy

Fund units in NE Strategy can be purchased every open business day and cannot be limited to courses. Notification of purchase of fund units in NE Strategy, as well as liquidity, must be received by the company no later than two banking days before the business day. If the business day is not a full-day bank day, the fund may be closed for trading. 

  1. Before making your first deposit, you must submit a Customer application along with requested documents. You will then receive a customer number.
  2. Deposit is made to the fund’s bank giro 5002-7325. Regarding faster cash payment – contact us. Please enter customer number, name or social security number under the field “message”.
  3. Submit the purchase order.

The minimum first deposit is SEK 50 000 and thereafter SEK 10 000.

Forms are sent in original to: Nordic Equities Kapitalförvaltning AB, Box 7238, 103 89 Stockholm.

More information can be found in the funds’ fact sheets. You can download them from “Our Funds.” The funds latest annual report and, if applicable, half-year report can be ordered free of charge from Nordic Equities Kapitalförvaltning AB.

Nordic Equities Sweden

The fund NE Sweden is open to purchase all banking days (though not half days) and cannot be limited to courses. Notification of purchase of fund units, as well as liquidity, must be received by the company no later than 2 pm on the business day. Please note that payment must have reached the fund’s account (no later than 2 pm) if purchases are to be made on the same day. Bank giro deposits usually takes at least one banking day. 

  1. Before you make your first deposit to NE Sweden, you must submit a Customer application  along with requested documents. You will then receive a customer number.
  2. Deposit is made to the fund’s bank giro 395-1274. Please enter customer number, name or social security number under the field “message”.
  1. Submit the purchase order.

The minimum first deposit is 50 000 SEK and then 500 SEK. 

Forms are sent in original to: Nordic Equities Kapitalförvaltning AB, Box 7238, 103 89 Stockholm

More information can be found in the funds fact sheets. You can download them from “Our Funds – NE Strategy. The funds latest annual report and, if applicable, half-year report can be ordered free of charge from Nordic Equities Kapitalförvaltning AB

Nordic Equities Select

Nordic Equities Select 

Fund units in NE Select can be purchased on the last banking day of each month and cannot be limited to courses. Notification of purchase of fund units in NE Select, as well as liquidity, must be received by the company no later than the fifth banking day before the last banking day of the month. 

  1. Before making your first deposit, you must submit a Customer application along with requested documents. You will then receive a customer number.
  2. Deposit is made to the fund’s bank giro 5951-9744. Regarding faster cash payment – contact us. Please enter customer number, name or social security number under the field “message”.
  3. Submit the purchase order. The minimum purchase in NE Select is one million SEK per occasion. Forms are sent in original to: Nordic Equities Kapitalförvaltning AB, Box 7238, 103 89 Stockholm

Nordic Equities Select is a special fund focused on the Nordic market. More information can be found in the fund’s fact sheet and information brochure which can be downloaded from “Our Funds – NE Select”. The fund’s latest annual report and, if applicable, half-year report can be ordered free of charge from Nordic Equities Kapitalförvaltning AB

Nordic Equities Global Stars

Nordic Equities Global Stars 

Fund units in NE Global Stars can be purchased every open business day and cannot be limited to courses. Notification of purchase of fund units in NE Global Stars, as well as liquidity, must be received by the company no later than two banking days before the business day. If the business day is not a full-day bank day, the fund may be closed for trading. 

  1. Before making your first deposit, you must submit a Customer application along with requested documents. You will then receive a customer number.
  2. Deposit is made to the fund’s bank giro 5215-9779. Regarding faster cash payment – contact us. Please enter customer number, name or social security number under the field “message”.
  3. Submit the purchase order.

The minimum first deposit is SEK 50 000 and thereafter SEK 10 000. 

Forms are sent in original to: Nordic Equities Kapitalförvaltning AB, Box 7238, 103 89 Stockholm 

More information can be found in the fund’s fact sheet and information brochure which can be downloaded from “Our Funds – NE Global Stars.” The Fund’s latest annual report and, if applicable, half-year report can be ordered free of charge from Nordic Equities Kapitalförvaltning AB.

Nordic Equities Our World

Nordic Equities Our World

Fund units in NE Our World can be purchased every open business day and cannot be limited to courses. Notification of purchase of fund units in NE Our World, as well as liquidity, must be received by the company no later than two banking days before the business day. If the business day is not a full-day bank day, the fund may be closed for trading. 

  1. Before making your first deposit, you must submit a Customer application along with requested documents. You will then receive a customer number.
  2. The payment shall be made to:
    1. Share class A, SEK (Payments from abroad): BIC-code: ESSESESS, IBAN SE82 5000 0000 0556 5112 2419
    2. Share class B, EUR* (Payments from abroad): BIC-code: ESSESESS, IBAN SE20 5000 0000 0556 5824 6148
      *Share class B (EUR) is not hedged and is intended for those who wish to pay the units and receive the redemption in EUR.
  3. Submit the Purchase order.

The minimum first deposit is SEK 50 000/5000 EUR and thereafter SEK 10 000/1000 EUR.

Forms are sent in original to: Nordic Equities Kapitalförvaltning AB, Box 7238, 103 89 Stockholm 

More information can be found in the fund’s fact sheet and information brochure which can be downloaded from “Our Funds – NE Our World.” The Fund’s latest annual report and, if applicable, half-year report can be ordered free of charge from Nordic Equities Kapitalförvaltning AB.

Please note!

In connection with the Act (2017: 630) on measures against money laundering, the fund management company is not obliged to handle transactions without having received a complete customer notification. The ID documents must be certified and the certificate must provide signature, name clarification, and address or telephone number.

Please call us and check that the application has been received and is complete. For further information, please contact us.